The Click Me! ATC Button app draws customers' eyes to the Add To Cart (ATC) button by making it periodically pulse, flash, bounce or shake. The app gives you full control over the animation type and duration, as well as the frequency of the animation (i.e. time delay before the 1st animation and between each subsequent animation).

This app user guide is organized into 3 sections:

  1. Install the ‘Click Me! ATC Button’ app
  2. Authorize the app in Shopify Theme Editor
  3. Configure settings

1. Install the 'Click Me! ATC Button' App

Click here to download the Click Me! ATC Button app from the Shopify App Store. On this page, click the green 'Add app' button and then follow the prompts to add the app to your Shopify store. You'll see that our app includes a 7-day free trial before the first $1.99 monthly billing (which is processed by Shopify as part of your regular monthly Shopify subscription).

2. Authorize the App in Shopify Theme Editor

Shopify now requires that you authorize all apps to "interact" with your live theme. To do that, you'll need to launch Shopify Theme Editor (i.e. Customizer).

In your Shopify admin panel, navigate to the Online Store > Themes page. At the top of the page, you'll see a picture of your "live theme" (desktop version and mobile version). To launch the Theme Editor (i.e. Customizer), simply click the green 'Customize' button.

Within Shopify Theme Editor, in the top-left corner of the screen, click the 'App embeds' icon.

Now click the on/off toggle button to activate the 'Click Me! ATC Button' app.

Please note that if you ever change to a new theme, you will need to authorize the app (along with all of your other apps) again in your new theme.

3. Configure Settings

All settings for this app are located on the app's Settings page. You do not need to activate any section/block in Shopify Theme Editor (i.e. theme customizer) in order for this app to work.

To access the app's Settings page, click on the 'Apps' link in the left menu of your Shopify admin panel.

In the pop-up that appears, select 'Click Me! ATC Button'. By default, you'll be located on the app's Dashboard page. To go to the Settings page, click the 'Settings' link either below the 'Click Me! ATC Button' app listing under 'Apps' OR across the top of the page.

You will see the following settings on the page: